Dance Class Dress
Clothing that is clean and comfortable to move in, but not overly baggy is best.
Leotards with footless tights are welcome. Any combination of modest bike shorts, leggings, capri pants, or dance pants and a modest, form fitting top are all great options. Creative dance students dance barefoot. Please make sure toenails are clipped and feet are clean.
Hair must be pulled back and out of the dancers eyes and face. No dangling necklaces or earrings are permitted.
*One suggestion, make the dance outfit separate from everyday outfits, only to be worn at dance. When the dancer dresses in their dance outfit it prepares them for class mentally as they are getting dressed physically.
Drop Off/Pick Up
Dancers will enter through the front door. Please send your dancer into the studio no earlier then 5 min. before their class starts. Dancers are expected to quietly enter and go directly to the studio. At the end of class we will gather our things together and the teacher will escort dancers upstairs to meet parents outside. Please be on time to pick up your dancer. Some classes run back to back, and the teacher will need to be available to start the following class.
You are welcome to park on the street when you drop off/pick-up your dancers. Please find a way to circle around on Horizon Drive, so that the traffic in and out of the studio flows to the east. We don't want dancers running across Horizon Drive to get to their vehicle. Safety of all dancers is top priority.
Parents and Class Visitors
All classes are closed to parent and visitor viewing to maintain the dance experience and flow of classroom time. However parents are invited to a mid-year informal showing in addition to the end of year recital.
Each spring we will join The Dance Garden for a spring recital. Our recitals will follow a storyline or theme, and dancers will play an integral part in the choreography and development of their class dance. More information about the recital will be sent to registered families later this year.
Please make sure that your dancer brings a water bottle to class. There is no drinking fountain in the studio, so dancers must bring their own water.
Due to the close physical proximity that dancers share in the studio, we ask that if your child is sick with a cold or with flu-like symptoms you keep them home for a minimum of 24 hours after symptoms have subsided. All dancers must be temperature, vomit and diarrhea free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to class. We recommend hand washing before and after class to help prevent the spread of germs.